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Parish Council Meetings

Members of the public are most welcome at our meetings. The agenda for each meeting is published in advance and provides details of the business to be discussed.


At the start of Council meetings time is set aside for residents to raise matters of concern or interest, or to ask the Council questions. We would suggest that where possible questions are sent in writing before the meeting to enable the Council to be able to answer your question in full. Please note that if you would like an item to appear on the Agenda details must be sent to the Parish Clerk at least five working days before the meeting. The Council is unable to make a decision on anything not included on the agenda, but can discuss newly raised matters and refer them to the next meeting.


If you would like more information about coming to our meetings and/or asking a question, please don't hesitate to contact the Parish Clerk, who will be pleased to help.


Our meetings are usually held in Scarning Village Hall at 7pm on the third monday of the month (see below for more details). 


The Minutes of meetings are posted on our website and are available from the Clerk. For more information, please contact the Parish Clerk (


Please check the Agenda for each meeting for more full details, or contact the Parish Clerk.


Our meetings are often attended by local councillors.


Your Local Councillors are:-


Norfolk County Council William Richmond 


Breckland  Council Lynda Turner

Paul Hewett -


For a short guide to attending our meetings please see the attached document





The Role of the Clerk


The Clerk is the ‘Proper Officer’ of the Council who is responsible for the smooth running of the Council’s business. The Clerk's primary responsibility is to advise the Council on whether its decisions are lawful and to recommend ways in which decisions can be implemented. The Clerk takes instructions from the Council as a body and implements these decisions.


The Clerk has a wide range of responsibilities, which include management of all Council owned assets, as well as the daily running of Council administration.  


The Clerk is the Council's Responsible Financial Officer.


Scarning's clerk holds a Certificate in Local Council Administration.


Parish Council meeting dates in 2024

​​January 15

February 19

March 18

April 15 (Annual Parish Meeting)

May 20 (Annual Parish Council Meeting at which the Council elects a Chair and Vice Chair for the year)

June 17

July 22

August 19

September 16

October 21

November 18

December - date to be agreed


Meeting Information


We actively encourage the public to our meetings so you can see what we do and ask questions of the Council. Please see below some brief notes on attendance. 


Filming at Meetings


Attending Our Meetings







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